Optimizing Your Line

We’ve seen it time and again: large, inefficient lines curling outside club doors. The keyword here is inefficient. It’s great to have lines and give the impression you’re the hottest club around. It’s not so great to be so inefficient that you slow down the speed of...

4 Tips to Benefit from New Technology Solutions

We understand: technology can be overwhelming, especially while implementing a new technology system in your club. Not only do you have to make sure the system actually works for your needs, but you have to train all employees on how to use it. But don’t be...

Guestlists: The Most Powerful Pre-Entry Tool

There’s no denying the importance of guest lists. In today’s landscape, they’re a fully ingrained component of a nightclub’s daily operations. Not only do they help control the number of guests, but they also help ensure the right ratio and type of guests are coming...

Tying Promoters Into Your Business Results

There’s no doubt promoters are a critical component to making the night a success. They’re charged with bringing the right people in on a consistent basis, building relationships with customers to keep them coming back, and marketing your major events. But how do you...