Retire the Paper Guestlist

Retire the Paper Guestlist

Pen and paper is one of the biggest cause for mistakes in our industry. I’ve seen venues not let in high profile guests who would have spent thousands inside the door all because one person didn’t know who they were. I’ve seen guest list lines get bottlenecked as the...

Hosting Profitable Events

Hosting events is one of the best ways to get people through your door. But if you don’t take the time to plan it out, get everything in place, and throw a good party, your event could take a dive for the worst and leave you owing more than you made. Here is a 5-step...
Top 5 Qualities of a Ticketing System

Top 5 Qualities of a Ticketing System

Ticketing companies are a dime a dozen. And with all the choices at your disposal, how do you know which one to go with? The best thing you can do is to choose a system that will set your entire event up for success.Ticketing companies are a dime a dozen. And with all...