Optimizing Your Line

We’ve seen it time and again: large, inefficient lines curling outside club doors. The keyword here is inefficient. It’s great to have lines and give the impression you’re the hottest club around. It’s not so great to be so inefficient that you slow down the speed of...

Guestlists: The Most Powerful Pre-Entry Tool

There’s no denying the importance of guest lists. In today’s landscape, they’re a fully ingrained component of a nightclub’s daily operations. Not only do they help control the number of guests, but they also help ensure the right ratio and type of guests are coming...

The Private Nightclub

Privacy is crucial. It’s what protects your guests, employees, and even important venue information. It’s the glue that holds everything together. Think about it: guests go to nightclubs where they can have fun but not be sold out; employees prefer to work at clubs...

Being In Control Of Vip Guests

VIPs are a crucial component of your business. They enhance your overall atmosphere and, more importantly, they spend more money. This is why they need to be treated with better, more customized service. However, recent articles have shown that many employees equate...