Memorial Day is the unofficial launch of summer. It’s also only a month way. Many people look to Memorial Day weekend to hang out with friends and commemorate the start of summer in style at a party. Let’s make sure they choose to celebrate at your party. Follow the below tips to create a profitable holiday event.


For Ticketed Parties

1. Set up a pre-sale ticketing strategy

Pre-sale revenue is the best way to pay for your event before it even happens. The best way to pre-sell revenue is to create and manage an online event page, sell tickets to consumers right through the page, integrate the event with a mobile app for promoters to sell tickets directly from their device, and sync the events with a Facebook widget to sell tickets directly through your Facebook page and Facebook ads. Contact us if you need help with this. We have one system that handles it all from one central location that you can manage, all while tracking individual channel results.


2. Use a night-of yielding strategy to increase prices

Encourage people to pre-purchase their tickets by showing the price will increase on the night of the event, and then follow through with that. Have the ability to sell tickets at the door for an increased fee. You can even set tickets to increase price by the hour to encourage people to arrive early. This is your yielding strategy. As the night arrives and as more people are in the party, the demand gets higher and you can charge more for your tickets.


3. Get all your staff up and running on the right system for smooth operations

Door operations are a huge component for an enjoyable night. Get all of your staff up and running on the same system or same strategy. The best way is to use a system that handles both door operations along with ticketing and event management. That way, you can scan tickets in through the device, sell tickets from that same device, and be able to track arrivals and other important guest information along the way. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s black and white with your staff on how the night is going to run.


4. Optimize your lines for speed of night

Many events use one line for everyone, which increases wait time, puts extra stress on your staff, and ultimately slows down the speed of the night. Instead, create a different line for a different type of customer, such as a line for your pre-sale customers and a line for customers paying at the door. This is another way to encourage pre-sale, and allows your staff handling pre-sale checkin to only focus on that task and increase line speed. On the other hand, it allows your staff selling tickets at the door to only handle that task, aiding in the long waits for door sales. The more organized your lines are, the faster your speed of night will be, the happier your customers will be, and the faster they’re your door to spend money on drinks.


5. Analyze results for a bigger return next year

Getting access to your data gives you the opportunity to truly understand how your venue and events are performing. If you get on board with the Vēmos system, your life will be simnifically easier since it will all be in one spot – not to mention the data will be broken down by individual guests and staff members to truly identify areas of strength and weakness. Once you know how well you did, you’re able to better set yourself up for success for your next event. Optimization is key to long-term success.


For Non-Ticketed Parties

1. Use a system to capture guest list, general admission, and table reservations

You don’t have to sell tickets to have pre-sales. In fact, we’re seeing a lot of venues be successful by treating every day as an event. You can pre-sell guest list entries or table reservations. Use a system that integrates with your website and social pages to handle these pre-sale inquiries. A system like Vēmos does this and also allows you to easily handle check-ins for guest list parties, reservation parties, and general admission walk-ups all from one device. It also takes cover payments and automates your speed of night. Plus, when all of this is tied together, you’re able to collect information about each guest no matter how they came in through your door.


2. Promote your promotions

Identify the promotions you’re going to run to bring people into your event, without limiting yourself to discounting your drinks. Sure, fun drink specials are a great way to drive guests, but so are other fun promotions such as a patio party, hiring live music, hosting drinking games or being a part of a summer kick-off pub crawl. Once you’ve identified your promotions, it’s time to promote them. Turn to social media to target your followers. Run a Facebook ad to a very targeted demographic. Send email and text message campaigns to your loyal guests. Choose different options from different channels to make your message are 100% relevant to the person you’re reaching. Make sure to use trackable links for each individual effort so you know exactly what worked and what didn’t.


3. Analyze results for a bigger return next year

Getting access to your data gives you the opportunity to truly understand how your venue and events are performing. If you get on board with the Vēmos system, your life will be significally easier since it will all be in one spot – not to mention the data will be broken down by individual guests and staff members to truly identify areas of strength and weakness. Once you know how well you did, you’re able to better set yourself up for success for the future. Optimization is key to long-term success.


Contact Vēmos to learn more about how we can help you with your Memorial Day event. Call us at 877-388-7872 or fill out the form below.


Whitney Larson is the president and director of marketing at Vēmos. Contact her at