We’re always hard at work to provide you with features that help improve your business. This past month, we released a few big features to streamline things even more.


1. Easily Refund a Ticket

We made it even easier for you to refund a ticket transaction by never having to leave your Vēmos dashboard. Go to Events in your dashboard, click on your event, and go to Sales to see the refund options. You can either refund a partial amount or the full ticket, and also have the option to deactivate that customer’s ticket. Everything is synced to your Stripe account, to your analytics, and to your event inventory.


2. Link to a Promoter’s Ticket Page

Now you can link an event on your website to another event that’s using a Vēmos account. This is great for promoters hosting an event at a venue — you get the benefit of the venue showing the event on their website while avoiding the issue of having data in two separate accounts. To link to another ticketing page, check the box “Use another Vēmos ticketing page for this event” under the ticketing section and paste the URL of the other ticketing page in the form field. Customers buying tickets on your site will then be sent to the appropriate page to buy their tickets.


3. Hyperlinks in Event Descriptions

By popular demand, we added the ability to add hyperlinks to your event descriptions. These hyperlinks will appear on your landing page as clickable links for consumers to view more information about your event.


4. General Fixes and Improvements

We made a few general fixes and minor improvements. When adding an event, you’re able to select the date from a calendar pulldown in addition to manually typing the date. We also fixed the flow for ticket questions to be more intuitive to edit information.


We’re continuously searching for and squishing bugs around here so you always have the best experience. If you ever have any issues, let us know and we’ll solve it ASAP.