3 Questions to Ask Before Hosting an Event

3 Questions to Ask Before Hosting an Event

Hosting events is one of the best ways to get people through your door. Yet, many venues rush through the planning process and go toward the first third-party ticketing vendor they meet to help promote their event. This is a great idea, until you realize most of these...

How to Make More Revenue Without Doing More Work

A goal of any business is to drive revenue and translate it to money in the bank. What if we told you it’s possible to not only drive revenue, but also increase the amount of revenue you’re already driving without adding any extra work to your daily operations? We’re...

How to Properly Manage Your Promoters

There’s no doubt promoters are a critical component to making the night a success. They’re charged with bringing the right people in on a consistent basis, building relationships with customers to keep them coming back, and marketing your major events. But too many...

How to Increase Profit with Event Ticketing

There’s a common issue we see in the nightlife industry, and that’s lack of data sharing – especially when it comes to ticketing. Very few third-party companies are willing to give up their most valuable asset: data. And chances are, you’re suffering from this more...